This article explains how to setup TeamViewer for Unattended Access. This is a type of access where TeamViewer will be running in the background of your computer and a TeamViewer "operator" can always access your computer, without requiring your approval and therefore your presence behind that computer. It is however always visible that someone is connected to your computer with TeamViewer.

  1. Start your Broser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, etc.) and go to
  2. Click on "Download for Free". Your Browser will now Download the Full TeamViewer Client
  3. When Finished click on "Open File".
  4. Click [Run] to start the TeamViewer Installation Process
  5. Answer the "How do you want to proceed" question with "Installation to access this computer remotely (unattended)" and click on [Accept - finish] to start the installation
  6. Allow the TeamViewer to make changes to your screen by selecting the [Yes] button in the applicable screen:
  7. TeamViewer will now be installed:
  8. Click [Next] to Start the configuration of the Unattended Access:
  9. The screen below is very important!. In the Computer Name field enter a meaningful name for your computer i.e. "Laptop of Mini Mouse" and choose a hard to guess password for the remote access. Enter that password in the Password and the Confirm Password fields. Click [Next] to continue:
  10. In the second and last step of the unattended access setup choose "I don't want to add a TeamViewer Account right now" and click [Next]:
  11. The final screen shows your unique TeamViewer ID. Write it down and together with the password from step 9, share this with the HCS Support Representative:
  12. Click [Finish] to complete the installation 
  13. TeamViewer is now running and can be minimized. With the supplied unique TeamViewer ID from step 11 and the password from Step 9, the HCS Support Technician can take over control of the system. The password under "Allow Remote Control" can optionally be shared with the HCS Support Technician as well, but this password will change every time TeamViewer is started.

Important Note: If you use password to login to Windows, please share that password as well with the HCS Support Technician.